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Join us as we streamline revenue collection of fares, parcels and luggage fees in the public service sector within Kenya and the general east African Market 

Kshs. 15,000.00

NAULI is a fleet revenue management and expense management software service aiming to
streamline collection of fares, parcel and luggage fees in the public service vehicle sector within the
East Africa market.

Channels of delivery of the solution
Nauli is inform of an android mobile application service and also in form of web app solution tailored
to various users in the sector.

We came up with mobile app to be used by the conductor, parcel and luggage manager tailored to
their day-to-day activities that involves collection of fares, printing receipts, confirming M-PESA
payments and referencing transactions that have been made. Through the mobile app the:
Conductor is able to
1. Collect cash fares, luggage and parcel fees and M-PESA payments through the app.
2. To initialize M-PESA payments to passengers where they will only enter their PIN.
3. To search transaction with reference code.
4. To record and view the expense summary at the end of the day.
5. To send an E-receipt to the passengers if they provide their number.
6. To submit their actual daily collections that are in cash.
7. This app provides room for selecting routes for a passenger and also input for tendered amount.

Luggage manager is able to:
1. Key in sender and receiver details of the luggage being boarded against the boarding vehicle.
2. To key in contact person (conductors or drivers) details that can be used for follow up.
3. To issue receipt to the sender of the luggage and attach a receipt on the luggage that has been
generated by the app.
4. To view and print loading sheet for each vehicle before it leaves that he issues to the conductor
of that vehicle against cash collected.
5. To view and search transactions that he has recorded on that day for all the vehicles.
6. To record and view the expenses incurred in this section.
7. This app is able to send an E-receipt to the receiver of the luggage when keyed in.
Note: This app is only for cash collections.

Parcel Manager is able to:
1. Key in sender and receiver details of the parcel being send.
2. To key in contact person (conductors or drivers) details that can be used for follow up.
3. To key in the vehicle that will be used in delivering the parcels.
4. To issue receipt to the sender of the luggage and attach a receipt on the parcel generated from
the app.
5. To view and search transactions that he or she has recorded for all the parcels on that day.
6. To record and view the expenses incurred in the parcel section.
7. This app is able to send an E-receipt to the receiver of the parcel.

a) This is the web-based application tailored for the owners of the vehicles and staff in their
management that may be given authority to access the information. Through this module the
users are able to view all the transactions that are flowing from the field activities of conductors,
parcel and luggage managers from anywhere in the country.
b) This module has advanced reporting and data consolidation features that is tailored to make work
easier and save management time of the users.
c) In this module it provides dashboards, summaries, visual graphics and insights in to the operation
of the company.

Key benefits to be achieved through use of NAULI
1. There will be improved cash flow for the investors in this industry.
2. There will be increased transparency in the human resource of companies in this sector.
3. Transactions will be more effective and the process of receipting more efficient.
4. This will lead to more productivity due to faster processes which saves time.
5. The management will have instant reports and insights which will save their time.
6. Decision making will be easier as all the data will be in one place and with better insights.
7. Generally, the operational costs will reduce as it will be easier to identify areas to cut cost
and costs to avoid.
8. Doing advertisement campaigns through use of BULK SMS service will generally enhance
the company brand and trust in the market.
9. There will be general improvement in customer service, trust and satisfaction by use of this

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